Missouri S&T Springfield engineering professor honored with ASEE award

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On September 26, 2023

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – Since Missouri S&T began a cooperative engineering program with Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri, in 2008, the program’s faculty members have regularly been recognized for excellence.

Dr. Rohit Dua. Missouri S&T photo.
Dr. Rohit Dua. Missouri S&T photo.

Earlier this month, Dr. Rohit Dua, an associate teaching professor of electrical and computer engineering, was awarded the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Midwest Section’s Outstanding Service Award.

“This is a special award for me to receive,” Dua says. “I am happy to serve our profession in a variety of ways, and it means a lot to have my peers recognize me for my efforts.”

Dua also received this award in 2018. He has been an active member of ASEE since 2014 and has served as program chair for the ASEE Midwest Section annual conference for the past two years. He is slated to hold this position for the 2024 conference as well.

The ASEE Midwest Section includes members from Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma.

In addition to his service directly to ASEE, Dua also coordinates engineering outreach events for K-12 students.

“We have a laboratory set up to teach middle- and high-school students some basic engineering and electrical principles,” he says. “After taking part in these activities, I have seen some of these same students be successful in the cooperative engineering program. It is incredible to inspire these young students and see their reactions when learning about engineering.”

Dua says the cooperative engineering program is unique in that most of the students are from Southwest Missouri, and this allows them to remain in the area instead of moving to Rolla.

Students complete their engineering courses through S&T at the Robert W. Plaster Free Enterprise Center in downtown Springfield and take their other courses through Missouri State University. Their engineering degree is awarded from Missouri S&T.

“Missouri S&T is the best engineering school in the state,” he says. “In Springfield, we have excellent Missouri S&T faculty members and laboratories. This is a fantastic resource for Southwest Missouri.”

Students can earn degrees in electrical engineering, civil engineering or mechanical engineering, he says. They also have several paid internship opportunities available, as well as research opportunities. Dua regularly supports students as part of the university’s Opportunities for Undergraduate Research Experience program.

Dua has been a member of the Springfield faculty since 2010. Prior to that, he was an assistant professor at New York Institute of Technology. He earned a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Missouri S&T in 2006 and a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Pune University in India.

He has won multiple awards from Missouri S&T and MSU for his project-based teaching style, including both Missouri S&T’s Faculty Achievement Award and Experiential Learning Award, as well the Teaching Award for Excellence in High-Impact Practices awarded by MSU’s Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning.

For more information about the Cooperative Engineering Program, visit missouristate.edu/EGR.

About Missouri S&T

Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) is a STEM-focused research university of over 7,000 students. Part of the four-campus University of Missouri System and located in Rolla, Missouri, Missouri S&T offers 101 degrees in 40 areas of study and is among the nation’s top 10 universities for return on investment, according to Business Insider. For more information about Missouri S&T, visit www.mst.edu.

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