Missouri University of Science and Technology will hold its Fall 2020 Commencement as a virtual event streamed live on Facebook on Saturday, Dec. 19. The virtual ceremony will allow Missouri S&T to confer degrees while following current COVID-19 safety guidelines, which prohibit in-person events with more than 10 participants.
The virtual ceremony will begin at 10 a.m. CDT Saturday, Dec. 19, on Missouri S&T’s Facebook page at facebook.com/MissouriSandT. During the ceremony, approximately 800 degrees will be presented to graduate and undergraduate candidates in all disciplines. Approximately 500 bachelor’s degrees will be awarded, as well as approximately 150 master’s degrees and 50 doctorates.
Missouri S&T Chancellor Mo Dehghani will speak during the ceremony along with University of Missouri System President Mun Y. Choi and University of Missouri Curator Julia G. Brncic.
The ceremony will also include remarks from three graduating students who were chosen as commencement speakers. The students are Kara Beldo, a senior in multidisciplinary studies and teacher education and certification from Parkville, Missouri; Tracy R. Carpenter Bond, a graduate student in industrial-organizational psychology from St. Louis; and Jimmie T. Washington, a senior in chemical engineering from Missouri City, Texas.More information, including a complete listing of degree programs represented during the commencement ceremony, is available at registrar.mst.edu/commencement. More information about Missouri S&T’s COVID-19 guidelines is available at coronavirus.mst.edu.
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