Dr. Sanjay Madria, Curators’ Distinguished Professor (Photo by Sam O’Keefe/Missouri S&T)
Dr. Sanjay Madria, professor of computer science at Missouri S&T, has been named Curators’ Distinguished Professor of computer science. Madria will be officially recognized during commencement ceremonies on Saturday, May 12.
The University of Missouri System Board of Curators bestows the honorary title upon outstanding scholars with established reputations in their field of study. Madria is recognized for his work in cloud computing, wireless computing, security and mobile data management. He’s also working in the area of data integrity verification in cloud computing, secure cyber-physical systems, mobile cloud computing and sensor data fusion.
His research has applications in border patrolling and monitoring chemical leakage and troop movements in the battlefield, which require constant sensing capabilities using tiny sensors. He has used miniature devices called motes that self-organize to create a wireless sensor network and then send data securely to a given base station.
Madria’s research is mainly supported by the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Air Force Research Laboratory, the Army Research Laboratory and the Department of Education.
He is working with colleagues at Osaka University in Japan on a joint NSF and Japan Science and Technology Agency project to leverage big data and data analytics to transform disaster management for individuals and society.
Madria joined the Missouri S&T faculty as an assistant professor of computer science in 2000. He was promoted to associate professor in 2006 and to professor in 2012. He has been awarded multiple visiting summer faculty fellowships and grants by the Air Force Research Laboratories and won numerous S&T awards for faculty research excellence and outstanding teaching.
He has published over 250 journal and conference papers (including five IEEE Best Paper awards) and graduated 11 Ph.D.s and 31 master’s thesis students.
Madria earned Ph.D. and master of science degrees from Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi, India, in 1995 and 1987, and a bachelor of science degree from the University of Delhi
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