Missouri University of Science and Technology’s arts, languages, and philosophy department will present “An Evening of Chamber Music” for Rolla residents and S&T students, faculty and staff this March.
The Missouri S&T Chamber Orchestra, String Quartet, Saxophone Quartet, Clarinet and Horn Trio, and Winter Drumline, as well as the 399th Army Band Saxophone Quartet, will perform music across multiple genres. The performance will be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 5, in Leach Theatre of Castleman Hall, 10th and Main streets in Rolla.
The Chamber Orchestra will open the performance with “Bellingrath Gardens” by Ralph Ford and “Musik of Shakespeare’s Daye” arranged by Andrew Dabczynski.
The Clarinet and Horn Trio will take the stage with the four movement “Overture” by George Frederic Handel.
The Saxophone Quartet from the 399th Army band will play a movement from “Songs for the Coming Day” by David Maslanka.
The S&T Saxophone Quartet will perform “Strange Humors” by John Mackey.
The S&T Winter Drumline will conclude the performance with “Layers of Darkness” by Brian Mudgett.
“The concert is an opportunity for the students and community members of our program to come together playing works in a more intimate setting, giving emphasis to individual players and small groups,” says Dr. Robert Cesario, assistant professor of arts, languages, and philosophy and conductor of the orchestra.
Tickets are $5 for the general public and free for Missouri S&T students, faculty and staff with a valid I.D. and youth age 18 and younger. They can be purchased at the door the night of the performance.
For more information, contact Cesario at cesarior@mst.edu or call the performing arts office at 573-341-4185.
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