Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri Protoplex): Notice of Availability of an Environmental Assessment

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On July 11, 2024

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri Protoplex): Notice of Availability of an Environmental Assessment

ACTION: Notice of Availability of an Environmental Assessment

SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that the Rural Development, as required by the National Environmental Policy Act, is issuing an environmental assessment (EA) in connection with possible impacts related to a project proposed by Missouri University of Science and Technology for the Missouri Protoplex that would consist of a facility approximately 117,000 gross square feet (ft2) on an approximately 15-acre site. The Missouri Protoplex would be located in a disturbed area located to the north of Interstate 44 and east of White Columns Drive, off of the main campus, in Rolla, Missouri.

Missouri University of Science and Technology has submitted an application for grant due to existing facilities at the campus being utilized for other programs and are at full capacity as the enrollment and offerings at the university increase. The facility is needed, as there are no other facilities that could be utilized to meet the goal to create a campus.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Design and Construction Management, Missouri S&T, 117 General Services Building, 1701 Spruce Dr. Rolla, MO 65409, facilities@mst.edu

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The proposed project includes the construction of the Missouri Protoplex facility, consisting of a two-story building approximately 117,000 gross ft2. The facility will include high bay laboratories; enclosed lab and shop spaces; storage; offices; meeting and collaboration space; lobby and display space; and general building support. The Proposed Action would also include installation of required utility services, new entry drive, ninety parking spaces, and new service drive to the loading dock to support the new facility. The site will also accommodate 225 geothermal wells to support the new geothermal plant located within the mechanical room. Water and wastewater will also be connected to the existing system within the area. The project area will include construction/ground disturbance on approximately 15 acres.

Terracon Consultants, Inc., an environmental consultant, prepared an environmental assessment for Missouri University of Science and Technology as the applicant that describes the project, assesses the proposed project’s environmental impacts, and summarizes as applicable any mitigation measures used to minimize environmental effects. The National Institute of Standards and Technology has conducted an independent evaluation of the environmental assessment and believes that it accurately assesses the impacts of the proposed project. No significant impacts are expected as a result of the construction of the project.

The draft environmental assessment can be reviewed at: https://news.mst.edu/2024/06/missouri-university-of-science-and-technologymissouri-protoplex-notice-of-availability-of-an-environmental-assessment/.

Questions and comments should be sent to the National Institute of Standards and Technology at the address provided. The National Institute of Standards and Technology will accept questions and comments on the environmental assessment for 15 days from the date of publication of this notice.

Any final action by the National Institute of Standards and Technology related to the proposed project will be subject to, and contingent upon, compliance with all relevant Federal environmental laws and regulations and completion of environmental review procedures as prescribed by 40 CFR Part 1500-1508, Environmental Policies and Procedures.

Dated: July 11, 2024

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On July 11, 2024. Posted in News

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