Missouri S&T events highlight Black History Month

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On January 31, 2022

Black History Month

Students listen to spoken word poetry during a Black History Month celebration. Photo by Sam O’Keefe/ Missouri S&T.

The community is invited to celebrate Black History Month this February with Missouri S&T. Campus events will take place throughout the month, focusing on the theme of “Black Health and Wellness.”

“This month we are recognizing and celebrating the Black and African American affinity organizations on our campus and how they contribute to fostering community and well-being among our students in the Black and African American communities,” says Anitra Rivera, acting chief diversity officer at Missouri S&T.

Events planned for February include:

  • Black History Month Kickoff: 11a.m.-1p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 1, in the Havener Center. The student diversity initiatives (SDI) team will have a table in Havener where students can learn about Black History Month events and sign up to win one of several items that will be given away in February. 
  • Pre-College Initiative Weekend: Feb. 17-20. The National Society of Black Engineers and SDI are hosting PCI, an on-campus visit program for African-American students who may be considering a career in math, science, computing or engineering. Through information sessions and activities, students will have a chance to explore career options and gain a better understanding of what college life is all about.  
  • Black History Month Celebration: 6-8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 18 at Havener Center, St. Pat’s Ballroom C. Join SDI to learn about Black history on Missouri S&T. There will be presentations by Dr. Larry Gragg, Black Greek letter organizations and other social organizations at S&T. Join us as we celebrate the Black community and culture with food, fun and a talent showcase.
  • Dinner to Jazz: 6-8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 19, at Hasselmann Alumni House. Join SDI for dinner and dancing, featuring live music from the Point of View Jazz Ensemble from St. Louis.  Dress is semi-formal or African garb. This event is open to students and the general public. Tickets are $10 for students and $15 for the general public. Reserve tickets at the following link by Wednesday, Feb. 16: mst.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7Pq3DKKlgK6r9jg.
  • Movie night at SDI: 5 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 24, at the Diversity House at 605 W. 11th St. in Rolla. Join SDI and the National Society of Black Engineers for a movie night, food and discussion. The film “Queen and Slim” will be shown. Missouri S&T’s University Police will participate in a discussion about police interactions. Space is limited. Register at mst.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9KVLlj4Yuq7Vf82  

For more information about the events, contact Shannon Cox or Anitra Rivera at sdi@mst.edu.

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On January 31, 2022. Posted in email, Events

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