Poets and writers invited to participate in S&T contest

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On April 26, 2021

A student in the S&T Writing Center. Photo by Sam O’Keefe, Missouri S&T.

Missouri S&T, in partnership with Arts Rolla, is accepting entries now through Sept. 1, 2021, for its 150th Anniversary Poetry and Writing Contest, which will culminate with the winning entries being included in the university’s time capsule this fall.

“The 150th celebration serves as an opportunity to reflect on the university’s history, its legacy and its future,” says Phillip Bode, director of S&T’s Writing Center.

Loretta Peterman, president of Arts Rolla, adds that this contest is “a great way to draw attention to the 150-year anniversary and also build relationships in the community.”

The free literary competition is open to all Missouri residents ages 12 and older, including out-of-state and international students who are enrolled at Missouri S&T. Original works of poetry and flash fiction must be family friendly compositions written by the submitting author. All works should be about S&T in some way. For example, authors may choose to write in the voice of a Miner, write about a single memory of their time at S&T that has inspired them, or write about what they hope to see accomplished in the next 150 years for S&T and the world.

Contest entrants will submit their works into two different divisions, adult (ages 18 and older) or youth (ages 12-17). 

Submissions will be judged on relevance to the theme, judge’s impression, technique, effectiveness, style and creativity. Each person may enter up to two submissions. All submissions must be previously unpublished work. Interested writers can find entry information on 150.mst.edu/writing-contest or by contacting Arts Rolla at rtsrolla@gmail.com or 573-364-5539.

Winners will be notified by phone or email and announced at a public event at a date to be determined. Prizes will be awarded for first, second and third place in each division. Winning poems will be included in the university’s time capsule and published in the 2022 edition of Southwinds. Authors will also be invited to read their submissions at an upcoming 150th anniversary celebration event.

Poetry contest rules

  1. Poetry can be written in any poetic style: sonnet, free verse, limerick, etc.
  2. A poem in its entirety must be an original work by the person entering the contest.
  3. A maximum of two poems per person is allowed.
  4. Poet must be at least 12 years of age.
  5. All poems must be written in English.
  6. Contest entries must be at least 3 but cannot exceed 50 lines (including stanza breaks) and cannot exceed 55 characters per line (including spaces between words). Any submission that exceeds these limits will be automatically disqualified. The poem title does not count as a line.
  7. Do not double-space.
  8. Do not use “texting” lingo. Properly spell out all words and numbers.
  9. Poems containing language that is vulgar, offensive, or wholly inappropriate will not be accepted.
  10. To ensure proper lineation, please use the “Enter” key to start a new line, indicating all intentional line breaks.
  11. Do not include your name or any other information at the end of your poem.
  12. Deadline: Sept. 1, 2021.

Flash Fiction contest rules

  1. Contest entries must not exceed 150 words. Any submission that does not meet this requirement will be automatically disqualified. The story title does not count toward the word limit.
  2. Previously unpublished stories only.
  3. Author must be at least 12 years of age.
  4. Please no identifying information on your story.
  5. All stories are considered for publication.
  6. Do not double-space.
  7. Do not use “texting” lingo. Properly spell out all words and numbers.
  8. Stories containing language that is vulgar, offensive, or wholly inappropriate will not be accepted.
  9. Do not include your name or any other information at the end of your story.
  10. Deadline: Sept. 1, 2021.

About Missouri University of Science and Technology

Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) is a STEM-focused research university of over 7,600 students and part of the four-campus University of Missouri System. Located in Rolla, Missouri, Missouri S&T offers 99 different degree programs in 40 areas of study and is ranked by CollegeFactual as the best public university to study engineering. For more information about Missouri S&T, visit www.mst.edu.

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