Dr. Francisca Oboh-Ikuenobe named associate dean at Missouri S&T

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On January 12, 2021

Photo of Dr. Oboh-Ikuenobe on S&T campus

Dr. Francisca Oboh-Ikuenobe has accepted the position as associate dean for academic affairs in the College of Engineering and Computing at Missouri S&T.

Dr. Francisca Oboh-Ikuenobe, professor of geology and geophysics, has been named as associate dean for academic affairs in the College of Engineering and Computing (CEC) at Missouri S&T. Oboh-Ikuenobe has served in the position as interim for the past year.

“Dr. Oboh-Ikuenobe is known for her passion for both undergraduate and graduate education and for her rich knowledge of academic affairs,” says Dr. Richard Wlezien, vice provost and CEC dean. “She has been an outstanding interim, and I am pleased that she has accepted the permanent position.”

As associate dean, Oboh-Ikuenobe oversees all curriculum and instruction matters as well as development and implementation of strategic planning related to academic programs. She establishes plans for program development and faculty recruitment and development, and she coordinates with the department chairs in the college to review, study, and develop curriculum and improve instruction.

“I am truly honored to have this exciting opportunity to serve the students, faculty, staff and alumni of our college,” says Oboh-Ikuenobe.

Oboh-Ikuenobe is a past interim chair in Missouri S&T’s geosciences and geological and petroleum engineering department. She is an elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the Paleontological Society and the Geological Society of America (GSA). Oboh-Ikuenobe is an African Scientific Institute fellow and member of the International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) Scientific Board (Global Change Group) of UNESCO/International Union of Geological Sciences.

Oboh-Ikuenobe joined the Missouri S&T faculty from the University of Cambridge in 1991. She was honored with an Outstanding Teaching Award at Missouri S&T in 2020.

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