Confocal image of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell-internalized nanoparticles. The green spots represent nanoparticles in the cell cytoplasm. The orange and blue represent the cell plasma membrane and nucleus, respectively. Credit: Dipak Barua, Missouri S&T.
Researchers from Missouri S&T and Phelps Health, as well as other institutions, will present their research at an annual symposium hosted by the Ozark Biomedical Initiative (OBI) on Saturday, Sept. 14. The event is open to the public.
The event will be held 9 a.m.– 1 p.m. in the St. Pat’s Ballroom of the Havener Center on the Missouri S&T campus, located at 1346 N. Bishop Ave. in Rolla. The symposium features scientific speakers, a display of research posters and lunch. There is no cost to attend the symposium, but organizers request an online registration at
Phelps Health and Missouri S&T established the OBI in 2015 to foster collaborative research between the two institutions aimed at improving health care. Since its establishment, the OBI has held an annual symposium to showcase the medical advances being made throughout the Rolla community.
This year’s symposium includes 12 eight-minute oral presentations and 30 poster presentations by researchers from an array of academic departments in the College of Engineering and Computing and the College of Arts, Sciences, and Business at Missouri S&T; as well as researchers from Phelps Health, the Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology at Washington University in St. Louis, and the Nurse Anesthesia Department at Webster University.
The presentation topics span a broad spectrum of medical advances, including new cancer therapies, regenerative medicine, tissue engineering and traumatic brain injury treatments. The symposium schedule is available online at
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