The Rolla Town Band is looking for volunteer musicians to perform in its upcoming summer season. The band, sponsored by Missouri S&T’s arts, languages and philosophy department, is open to musicians age 14 and older. Any musician who plays a brass, woodwind or percussion instrument is welcome to join the band. There are no auditions, and there is no cost to perform.
The band will begin rehearsals for its 2019 summer concert season Tuesday, June 11. Other rehearsals are scheduled for Thursday, June 13; Tuesday June 18; Tuesday, June 25; Tuesday, July 2; Tuesday, July 9; and Tuesday, July 16. All rehearsals will be held 7-8:30 p.m. in Room 137 of Castleman Hall, located at the corner of 10th and Main streets in Rolla.
“The band is a great way for people from all across the Rolla area to get together and play some fun music,” says Dr. David Samson, assistant professor of music at Missouri S&T and director of the band. “Even if you can’t play for all of the concerts or if you don’t play often, we’d still love to have you. I’d especially like to invite area high school students to come join us and keep your chops up over the summer.”
The Rolla Town Band will present five concerts this summer. The group will perform at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 20; Thursday, June 27; and Thursday, July 11, on the Castleman Green, located at the corner of 10th and State streets on the S&T campus. The band will also perform a special pre-fireworks during the Lions Club Carnival at 9 p.m. Thursday, July 4, at Lions Club Park, located at 1061 S. Bishop Ave. in Rolla.
The band will conclude its season with a performance to be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, July 18, at the Phelps County Courthouse lawn, located at 200 N. Main St. in Rolla. The concert will be a part of the celebration of Rolla founder Edmund Ward Bishop’s birthday.
For more information about the Rolla Town Band, including how you can join, contact Samson at 573-341-6837 or email
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