Missouri S&T will host the 2019 Concrete Conference on its campus in Rolla, Missouri.
Missouri S&T will host the annual Missouri Concrete Conference May 6-7 at the Havener Center on the S&T campus. Conference registration is $160 per person.
Conference organizers divided presentations into four major categories: pavements, construction, ready mix operations and buildings and structures. Conference topics will include: subdivision street pavement design and specification, thin pavement overlay mixtures, joint load transfer options, performance engineered mixtures, new unified pavement design method, ASR mitigation, cold weather concreting, maturity testing in Missouri, high early strength mixtures, entrained air 101, ready mix operations safety and maintenance, ADA construction practices, floor slab flatness, floor slab moisture considerations, ACI 301 specification for structural concrete, drilled shaft concreting, and the Missouri Department of Transportation’s (MoDOT’s) current research.
Participants could earn certificates for approximately 10 personal development hours.
Organizers say the conference will be of interest to building and paving contractors, public agencies, consulting engineers, testing labs, aggregate producers, ready mix, cement and admixture suppliers, and equipment technical reps.
To register and to find additional information on the conference, including a current list of presentations, visit concrete.mst.edu. For sponsor information, contact Missouri S&T’s office of professional and continuing education at 573-341-6576 or pce@mst.edu.
For technical information, contact Dr. David Richardson at 573-341-4487 or richardd@mst.edu.
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