The Chancellor’s Leadership Academy at Missouri S&T will partner with the Rolla Downtown Business Association to host a new Halloween event for Rolla-area children.
“Boo-Palooza” will be held 5-7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 31, on Pine Street in Downtown Rolla.
This year’s event will differ from Missouri S&T’s previous Trunk-or-Treat celebration, beginning with its new name and location. Pine Street will be closed to traffic so children and families can safely move through the festival. Campus organizations and area businesses will have booths along Pine Street with games and candy for attendees to enjoy. The festival will also have food, live entertainment, police officers, fire trucks, Joe Miner and candy. The event is free and open to area children and their families.
The Missouri S&T Chancellor’s Leadership Academy is a yearlong leadership experience designed to provide second-semester freshmen with opportunities to develop and practice the skills, values and knowledge of effective leadership. Students are selected based on their academic merit, leadership, community service and involvement at Missouri S&T.
For more information about the event, visit
Congratulations for this program that brings in the community and helps freshmen on their journey.
This is another reason for prospective students to consider going to a great school!
Very impressive.