Experience space in virtual reality, learn about alien life forms Down Under and watch the latest “Star Wars” film during Missouri University of Science and Technology’s Space Week Nov. 6-10.
Space Week events, which are free and open to the public, are hosted by a number of student design teams and organizations at Missouri S&T.
“With Space Week, we are aiming to educate students on how they can contribute to the future of space exploration and inspire them to tackle humanity’s greatest challenges,” says Jake Mondschein, a Mars Rover Design Team member and a senior in information science and technology from Wildwood, Missouri. “This year includes a series of events hosted by design teams at S&T, including a guest presentation by a space propulsion expert.”
Space Week events include:
— “Experience Space in Virtual Reality,” 10:30-1:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 6, in the Havener Center atrium.
— “Are There Martians in Australia? How Acid Saline Lakes Can Serve as a Mars Analog” presented by Dr. Melanie Mormile, professor of biological sciences and associate provost for faculty affairs, 5-6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 7, in Room 140 Toomey Hall.
— “Commercial Space Exploration, Innovation and Development” presented by Jeff Thornburg, vice president of Stratolaunch and founder of Interstellar Technologies LLC, 5-6 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 9, in Room 199 Toomey Hall. Thornburg is a 1996 aerospace engineering graduate of Missouri S&T.
— A screening of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” 8:30-11 p.m. Friday, Nov. 10, in St. Pat’s Ballroom of the Havener Center. The event is hosted by the Student Union Board with the help of the admissions office at Missouri S&T. Design teams sponsoring Space Week will also attend the screening with their respective projects.
Space Week organizers hope to also host a Stargazing Night in collaboration with the S&T Astronomical Research Society (STARS), though the details are yet to be announced and the event depends on clear weather for viewing. Visit Space Week’s website for details and updated information.
For more information about Space Week, visit marsrover.mst.edu/spaceweek, or follow the events on Twitter at @SandTSpaceWeek or Facebook at @spaceweek. Space Week is sponsored by the following Missouri S&T student organizations: Mars Rover Design Team, Rocket Design Team, and Satellite Research Team.
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