S&T to survey business owners and entrepreneurs

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On October 2, 2017

Business owners and entrepreneurs are encouraged to complete a business needs survey from the Small Business and Technology Development Center (SBTDC) at Missouri University of Science and Technology.

“This is an opportunity for businesses to let us know what they need when it comes to growing or improving their business,” says Karen Leatherman, business development specialist with the SBTDC. “We’re really hoping to get some great participation and input from our area businesses. Their feedback is vital to helping us provide the right seminars and resources to help our area businesses succeed.”

The anonymous survey takes about 5 minutes to complete and is available online. Deadline to complete the survey is Nov. 1, 2017.

The survey is being conducted in a nine-county area served by Missouri S&T’s SBTDC. Counties covered in the survey area include Crawford, Dent, Franklin, Gasconade, Maries, Miller, Osage, Phelps and Pulaski.

Missouri S&T’s SBTDC provides business counseling and assistance to aspiring entrepreneurs and small businesses in the areas of management, new business creation, business acquisition, business sales, marketing, financial analysis, human resources, operations management, succession planning and technology commercialization. Most services are provided at no cost. It is a University of Missouri Extension partner and part of the Missouri SBTDC statewide network, which is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.

For more information about workshops, resources and programs offered by Missouri S&T’s SBTDC, visit ecodevo.mst.edu/info/sbtdc/.

For more information about the survey, contact Leatherman at leathermank@mst.edu or call 573-341-4551.

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On October 2, 2017. Posted in News

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