The Hispanic Film Series offered by the Missouri University of Science and Technology arts, languages, and philosophy department will conclude this April with a viewing of the drama “Ixcanul, Volcano.”
The film, which is free and open to the public, begins at 7 p.m. Friday, April 28, in Room G-5 of the Humanities and Social Sciences Building on the Missouri S&T campus. The film will be screened in Spanish with English subtitles.
“Ixcanul, Volcano” centers on the life of 17-year-old Maria, a Mayan girl living on the slopes of an active volcano in Guatemala. Maria’s parents have arranged a marriage for her, but her suitor must spend months working in the city before they can wed. Maria accompanies her husband-to-be to the city, a world she knows nothing about. When problems arise for the couple she must find her way in her new surroundings.
Released in 2015, the film is a production of Guatemala.
For more information about the Hispanic Film Series, contact series organizer Dr. Jorge Porcel, associate professor of arts, languages, and philosophy at Missouri S&T, at or call 573-341-4869.
The S&T Hispanic Film Series is sponsored by Pragda, Spain Arts and Culture, U.S. Department of Education Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language Program, the Missouri S&T College of Arts, Science, and Business; and the Missouri S&T arts, languages, and philosophy department.
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