The animated children’s film “Happy Feet” will kick off the 2016-17 Leach Theatre Family Film Series at Missouri University of Science and Technology on Oct. 29.
The film will be shown at 11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 29, in Leach Theatre, located inside Missouri S&T’s Castleman Hall at 10th and Main streets in Rolla. Tickets are $4 and will be on sale at the Leach Theatre Box Office beginning at 10 a.m. the day of the show.
The film, released in 2006, follows the story of a colony of emperor penguins including Mumble, Gloria, Norma Jean and Memphis. Mumble, a young penguin, can’t sing like all other emperor penguins, but he can dance. Cast out on his own Mumble finds great friends and an opportunity to use his unique talent to find true love.
Lunch, including main dish, side and a drink, is available in the lobby of Leach Theatre following the movie. Lunch and admission is available together for $6, additional lunch items are available for $1. There will be a special craft project available for $1, and additional crafts and coloring pages available for free.
For more information, please visit or call 573-341-4219.
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