Rolla Town Band to perform June 30

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On June 23, 2016

2011 07 20 Town Band edit file 048Music fans in the Rolla area will have a chance to relax on Castleman Hall’s lawn and hear the first concert of the season by the Rolla Town Band, featuring a variety of pieces from different genres, including a selection of military-themed marches.

The concert will be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 30, on the Castleman Hall Green, located at the corner of 10th and State streets, on the campus of Missouri University of Science and Technology. The concert is free and open to the public.

“The concert will feature a series of pops music and marches,” says David Cress, assistant teaching professor of arts, languages, and philosophy at Missouri S&T and conductor of the Rolla Town Band. “‘Star Spangled Spectacular,’ selections from the musical ‘Chicago,’ and a big band tribute will make up the performance. The ‘World’s Finest Rolla German Band’ will perform during intermission.”

The Rolla Town Band will perform three more free concerts at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, July 7, at the Castleman Green; Thursday, July 14, at the on the front lawn of the Phelps County Courthouse, located at 200 N. Main St. in Rolla; and Thursday, July 21, at the Castleman Green.

Organizations and individuals interested in helping sponsor the Rolla Town Band this summer are encouraged to contact Cress at 573-341-6837 or Follow the band’s progress this summer on Facebook at

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