The Hispanic Film Series offered by the Missouri University of Science and Technology arts, languages, and philosophy department will conclude with a screening of the comedic yet bittersweet Mexican film Paradise.
The film begins at 7 p.m. Friday, April 29, in Room 104 Physics Building on the S&T campus. The event is free of charge.
Released in 2013 and produced in Mexico, Paradise follows the story of overweight sweethearts Carmen and Alfredo. When Alfredo is offered a promotion at work, they must leave their life in the suburbs and move to sprawling Mexico City. After overhearing gossip about their weight at a company party, Carmen and Alfredo decide to slim down. But when only one of them loses weight on the diet, a rift emerges between them.
“In the end it all comes down to ‘how much does love weigh?’ A sensitive, compassionate, and funny treatment of this problem makes the film enjoyable and thought-provoking,” says Dr. Jorge Porcel, associate professor of arts, languages, and philosophy at S&T and organizer of the Hispanic Film Series.
The Hispanic Film Series was made possible through its sponsors: Pragda; Spain Arts and Culture; Dr. Steven Roberts, vice provost and dean of the Missouri S&T College of Arts, Sciences, and Business; and Dr. Audra Merfeld-Langston, interim chair of arts, languages, and philosophy.
For more information about the Hispanic Film Series, contact Porcel at or call 573-341-4869.
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