Missouri University of Science and Technology will host the annual Missouri Concrete Conference May 3-4 in the Havener Center on campus. Conference registration is $140 per person.
Conference topics include benefits of macrofibers; steel fibers in concrete; impact of air pollution control on fly ash; proper curing techniques and materials; soil stabilization and full-depth reclamation; a Kansas City International Airport runway case history; new ACI pavement construction guide; lithium silicate curing compound; floor slabs and toppings: design and quality control; concrete tests: choices and interpretation; practical applications of resistivity testing; super air meter; factors affecting strength; structural cracks: identification, prevention and repair; street deterioration repairs; city and county: concrete pavement management programs; pavement joint sealing and resealing; pavement joint detailing; and history of Missouri Department of Transportation concrete girders.
Certificates to document Personal Development Hours will be provided.
The conference will be of interest to contractors, public agencies, consulting engineers, testing labs, aggregate producers, equipment technical representatives, and ready mix, cement and admixture suppliers.
Additional information is available online at concrete.mst.edu.
For registration information, contact Missouri S&T’s office of distance and continuing education at 573-341-6576 or dce.mst.edu.
For technical information, contact Dr. David Richardson, associate professor of civil, architectural and environmental engineering at Missouri S&T, at 573-341-4487 or richardd@mst.edu.
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