Missouri S&T students named Knights of St. Pat

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On March 15, 2016

20140315 Parade 325The Student Knights of St. Patrick have been selected to represent Missouri University of Science and Technology’s student organizations during the 108th St. Pat’s celebration in Rolla, Missouri.

The students will be knighted during a coronation ceremony at 9 p.m. Friday, March 18, in Leach Theatre of Castleman Hall on the Missouri S&T campus.

The practice of knighting students every spring can be traced back to the beginning of the 20th century, when Missouri S&T engineering students declared St. Patrick the patron saint of engineers.

The 2016 Knights of St. Patrick are:

James Bahm, a junior in technical communication from Grandview, Missouri, representing Residence Hall Association

Josh Bergesch, a senior in engineering management from O’Fallon, Missouri, representing Kappa Sigma

Jacob Boehm, a senior in mechanical engineering from Wildwood, Missouri, representing Sigma Nu

Tanner Bollmann, a senior in mining engineering from Jackson, Missouri, representing Sigma Tau Gamma

Tylor Brom, a senior in information science and technology from St. Charles, Missouri, representing Delta Lambda Phi

Alex Brown, a senior in metallurgical engineering from St. Peters, Missouri, representing Delta Tau Delta

Dan Castro-Estremera, a senior in computer science from Fenton, Missouri, representing Thomas Jefferson Residence Hall Association

Byron Conley, a sophomore in engineering from Ferguson, Missouri, representing Downtown Campus Hall Association

Matt Connelly, a senior in mechanical engineering from Kansas City, Missouri, representing Theta Xi

Brendan Daly, a junior in information science and technology from Kirkwood, Missouri, representing Student Council

Ryan Ebert, a senior in mechanical engineering from St. Peters, Missouri, representing BBQ Club

Chris Everett, a senior in engineering management from O’Fallon, Missouri, representing Greek Independent Board

Jessica Fletcher, a senior in geological engineering from Maryville, Illinois, representing Zeta Tau Alpha

Nicholas Foster, a senior in mechanical engineering from Ballwin, Missouri, representing Kappa Alpha

Andy Garrett, a senior in computer engineering from Caulfield, Missouri, representing Phi Sigma Pi

Cassie Golden, a senior in civil engineering from Rolla, Missouri, representing Phi Sigma Rho

Katherine Heidinger, a senior in geological engineering from Webster Groves, Missouri, representing Lambda Sigma Pi

Dakoda Juett, a senior in information science and technology from Rolla, Missouri, representing Omega Sigma

Dan Kuehl, a senior in multidisciplinary studies from St. Louis, representing Fraternal Order of Leaders

Dori Ludwig, a junior in information science and technology from Florissant, Missouri, representing Chi Omega

Natarajan Madhusudhanan, a senior in engineering management from Chesterfield, Missouri, representing 4 North

Dan McKnought, a senior in engineering management from Florissant, Missouri, representing General Delegation of Independents

Peter Moore, a senior in computer science from O’Fallon, Missouri, representing Alpha Epsilon Pi

Nick Oden, a senior in mechanical engineering from Montgomery City, Missouri, representing Lambda Chi Alpha

Oscar Owens, a senior in engineering management from St. Louis, representing KMNR

Jason Pelliccione, a senior in ceramic engineering from St. Louis, representing Beta Sigma Psi

Elijah Poe, a junior in engineering management from Maitland, Missouri, representing Student Union Board

Malachi Rein, a senior in architectural engineering from St. Louis, representing Spectrum

John Rodenberg, a junior in aerospace engineering from Overland, Missouri, representing Miner Village Hall Association

Jonathon Scott, a senior in ceramic engineering from Benton, Arkansas, representing Residential College Hall Association

Zachary Smith, a senior in civil engineering from St. Peters, Missouri, representing Delta Sigma Phi

Chayne Standage, a junior in computer engineering from Rolla, Missouri, representing Alpha Psi Omega

Nick Takacs, a senior in nuclear engineering from Rolla, Missouri, representing Trap and Skeet Club

Michael Taylor, a junior in undeclared studies from Florissant, Missouri, representing Tau Kappa Epsilon

Avery Welker, a senior in petroleum engineering from Perryville, Missouri, representing National Residence Hall Honorary

Adam Westhoff, a senior in mining engineering from Old Monroe, Missouri, representing Phi Kappa Theta

Nancy Yegerlehner, a senior in petroleum engineering from Palmyra, Missouri, representing Kappa Delta.

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On March 15, 2016. Posted in Featured, People, Student Life

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