Statement from Chancellor Schrader

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On November 9, 2015

Following the resignation Monday (Nov. 9, 2015) of University of Missouri System President Tim Wolfe, Missouri S&T Chancellor Cheryl B. Schrader issued the following statement:

In response to University of Missouri System President Tim Wolfe’s resignation, I would like to express and reaffirm my support of our African American students and employees, and of our commitment to removing barriers that would prevent or inhibit their success here at our university. Racism has no place at Missouri S&T. As a university community, we must do everything within our power to make our campus a safe and welcoming environment to learn, work and flourish.



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On November 9, 2015. Posted in Chancellor, Featured, University News

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7 thoughts on “Statement from Chancellor Schrader”

  • Jan Pauly says:

    Thank. Please make sure the Fraternities and Sororities make a commitment to take leadership in letting the world know that Rolla is not a place for prejudice and bigotry. Raise the awareness of the students from rural parts of our state that have not been exposed to diversity awareness. Let’s ensure that Missouri S&T has a better reputation for a diverse culture than MIZZOU. It’s a smaller campus who can show faster change ! Fraternities need to make this a priority.
    Sophmore parent

  • Luke says:

    What about our Asian, Indian, Hispanic, White and native american students?

  • Don Sparlin says:

    Our campus has adequate regulations regarding acts of prejudice and bigotry. In order for action to occur one needs two witnesses willing to testify. The perpetrator is expected to plead “not guilty”. You need two independent witnesses to proceed. It is difficult to be a “whistle-blower”, as there are often unpleasant reprisals. If witnesses are unwilling to come forward, then things stay as they are.

    • Luke says:

      Chancellor Schrader’s statement clearly states that she supports African American Students but I feel like she cuts out all other races. Why would we get emails showing support for only one race and leaving out everyone else? We are all human but this message shows that we are not looked at as being equal.

      • Gem says:

        I believe that the reason the Chancellor responded in the manner that she did was because this issue is directly targeted at African American students, and as a result warrants a response that addresses the concerns of African American students and their families. It is very interesting that each time an attack, threat, etc., is made on an African American’s life by a race of the lighter persuasion it is presumed that one is trying to state that other lives don’t matter. It is equally interesting that when an attach, threat, etc., is made on the life of someone of a race of lighter persuasion you never here anyone saying or echoing sentiments that “All lives matter”, and that we should focus on other races. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, it is clear that once more and again the lives or African American’s have been diminished through such syntax, so instead of uniting individuals…it drives deeper wedge.

  • Jim says:

    I agree with Luke and his comments….

    I call on Chancellor Schrader to CONDEMN ALL RACISM!!!!

    It has no place at my place of former Education….Missouri S&T is a great University and lets keep it that way!!!

    Jim V.

  • Ethan Kunz says:

    I would simply like to bring up the emails’ mentioning of barriers. Perhaps we are talking in a general sense about possible barriers to education because of student or faculty attitudes, but I want to make sure we aren’t stating that there are actually systematic rules of oppression in place. I’ve always considered S&T to be highly diverse and tolerant place with no general racist issues. I don’t think we have, in any way, a set of actual rules/regulations (ie systematic) that are holding back any minority group be it black, white, asian, hispanic, or other. I’ve also never heard any minority friend, group, or student mention an issue with the Missouri system at S&T.

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