S&T students to perform ‘A Christmas Carol: A Live Radio Play’

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On November 20, 2015

ccposter-EDITThe Miner League Theatre Players at Missouri University of Science and Technology will begin the holiday season with five performances of “A Christmas Carol: A Live Radio Play” this December.

Performances will be held at 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 4; Saturday, Dec. 5; Friday, Dec. 11; and Saturday, Dec. 12. A matinee performance will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 13. All performances will take place in the Black Box Theatre, Room 138 Castleman Hall, located at 10th and Main streets in Rolla.

“A Christmas Carol: A Live Radio Play” by Tony Palermo is inspired by the original story “A Christmas Carol,” written by Charles Dickens and published originally in 1843.The play is performed as a live radio broadcast performed in front of a studio audience. The Miner League Theatre Players will recreate the old-fashioned radio broadcast with old-fashioned sound effects, imitation commercials and Christmas carolers. Dr. Dan Reardon, an assistant professor of English and technical communication at Missouri S&T, will play Scrooge.

Tickets are $10 for general admission and $5 for current Missouri S&T students and those under 12 years of age. Tickets will be available for reservation starting Tuesday, Dec. 1. To reserve tickets, email smorgan@mst.edu. Tickets cannot be purchased through the Leach Theatre Box Office for these performances. The Black Box Theatre has a maximum capacity of 65, so reserving tickets in advance is recommended. However, tickets will be available for purchase at the door the day of the show if seats remain.

For more information on the performance of “A Christmas Carol: A Live Radio Play,” call the Missouri S&T performing arts office at 573-341-4185.

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