Celebrate international education at Missouri S&T

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On November 13, 2015

iew_logo_yearCelebrate the benefits of international education at Missouri University of Science and Technology’s Global Showcase. This annual event will be held 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 18, in the atrium of the Havener Center.

The showcase will include displays from the home countries of Missouri S&T’s international students and entertainment including music, song and dance. American students who have participated in study abroad programs will also share their experiences and memorabilia. The event is free and open to the public.

The Global Showcase recognizes the importance of international education in the United States and around the world as part of International Education Week (IEW), which is held Nov. 16-20. IEW is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education. The week’s theme is “Access for All.”

“The Global Showcase is an opportunity for our community to experience cultures from around the world,” says Dr. Jeanie Hofer, assistant vice chancellor of international and cultural affairs at Missouri S&T. “This program increases awareness of global issues and allows for direct communication with student ambassadors representing their countries, cultures and customs. Emphasis on ‘Access for All’ encourages individuals to learn more and increase their global competencies.”

The event is sponsored by Missouri S&T’s international and cultural affairs office, in conjunction with the university’s study abroad program and applied language program. For more information about the event, email Richie Myers at myersrj@mst.edu or call 573-341-4335.

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On November 13, 2015. Posted in Events, Featured, International Affairs, Top Headlines

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