Missouri University of Science and Technology will host the fourth annual Transportation Infrastructure Conference on Friday, Dec. 4, at the Allied Health Professional Building on the Saint Louis University campus. The program will feature recent findings in advanced construction materials, resilient structural systems, non-destructive testing and structural health monitoring of transportation infrastructure.
The registration fee is $70 or $50 for students and includes a CD of conference proceedings, a Professional Development Hour (PDH) certificate, parking, lunch and coffee breaks.
Keynote speakers include David Ahlvers, state construction and materials engineer for the Missouri Department of Transportation; Priscilla Tobias, state safety engineer and bureau chief for the Illinois Department of Transportation and Bureau of Safety Engineering; and Dr. Imad Al-Qadi, professor of engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and director of the Illinois Center for Transportation and Advanced Transportation Research and Engineering Laboratory.
The conference program is available at cies.met.edu.
Conference chairs are Dr. Kamal H. Khayat, the Vernon and Maralee Jones Professor of Civil Engineering and director of the Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies at Missouri S&T; William Stone, research administrator for the Missouri Department of Transportation; and Dr. Riyadh Hindi, professor and chair of the office of graduate programs at the Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology at Saint Louis University.
The conference is sponsored by the Missouri S&T Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies (CIES), the Research on Concrete Applications for Sustainable Transportation (RE-CAST) University Transportation Center, the Missouri Department of Transportation and Saint Louis University.
The conference will be of interest to professional and consulting engineers, testing labs, public transportation agencies, researchers and graduate students. Conference participants will receive six Professional Development Hours (PDH).
To register online or for more information, click cies.mst.edu.
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