The Chancellor’s Leadership Academy at Missouri University of Science and Technology will host its annual Trunk-or-Treat event to give area kids 6th grade and under a safe and fun place to trick-or-treat this Halloween.
Missouri S&T organizations will hand out candy from decorated cars from 5-7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 31, in the Residential College 1 parking lot (Lot H) next to Dairy Queen on University Drive. The event is free and open to children in sixth grade or younger and their parents.
The Missouri S&T Chancellor’s Leadership Academy is a yearlong leadership experience designed to provide second-semester freshmen with opportunities to develop and practice the skills, values and knowledge of effective leadership. Students are selected based on their academic merit, leadership, community service and involvement at Missouri S&T.
For more information about the event, contact Dr. Jerri Arnold-Cook at or call 573-341-7504.
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