At #STEMSTL forum, Chancellor Schrader stresses importance of education

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On May 23, 2014
Chancellor Cheryl B. Schrader chats with fellow panelist Kevin Token of BSA LifeStructures prior to the  "STEM: Growing Innovation" forum. With Schrader and Token are, from left, Mike Downing, director of the Missouri Department of Economic Development; Dr. Sharon Frazee of Express Scripts; and Dr. Terry Brewer, founder of Brewer Science.

Chancellor Cheryl B. Schrader chats with fellow panelist Kevin Token of BSA LifeStructures prior to the “STEM: Growing Innovation” forum. With Schrader and Token are, from left, Mike Downing, director of the Missouri Department of Economic Development; Dr. Sharon Frazee of Express Scripts; and Dr. Terry Brewer, founder of Brewer Science.

The key to meeting Missouri’s increasing demand for a work force skilled in the STEM disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics is education, Missouri S&T Chancellor Cheryl B. Schrader emphasized in a forum on STEM and innovation.

Schrader was a panelist on the St. Louis Business Journal’s seminar “STEM: Growing Innovation in St. Louis,” held Friday (May 23) at the Saint Louis Zoo’s Living World. Joining her were Mike Downing, director of the Missouri Department of Economic Development; Dr. Sharon Frazee, vice president of research and analysis at Express Scripts in St. Louis;Kevin Token, senior director at BSA LifeStructures in St. Louis; and Dr. Terry Brewer, president of Brewer Science in Rolla.

The St. Louis Business Journal‘s Storify recap of the event captures key moments from the forum as they were live-tweeted by attendees and by @MissouriSandT. You can join the conversation on Twitter or follow along by tweeting with the #STEMSTL hashtag. Also, follow Schrader on Twitter at @SandTChancellor.

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On May 23, 2014. Posted in Chancellor, Events, Featured

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