Missouri S&T to host Region 8 History Day contest

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On February 1, 2013

Missouri University of Science and Technology will host the Missouri Region 8 History Day contest Friday, March 1, at the Havener Center. More than 125 students from schools in a seven-county area of the state will participate. This year’s theme is “Turning Points in History: People, Ideas, Events.

Judging will occur between 9 a.m. and noon and the general public is invited to attend. An awards ceremony will be held at 1:30 p.m. in the St. Pat’s Ballroom of the Havener Center.

The students are grouped into two divisions: Junior (grades 6-8) and Senior (grades 9-12). Schools from Camden, Crawford, Gasconade, Maries, Phelps, Franklin and Pulaski counties will be represented.

Each regional division has five categories of competition (Paper, Exhibit, Performance, Documentary and Website). First-, second- and third-place winners in each category will win pins and qualify to participate in the Missouri State History Day contest at the University of Missouri-Columbia on April 20. Winners of the state contest advance to the national competition at the University of Maryland-College Park June 9-13.

The Region 8 judges are faculty members from Missouri S&T’s history and political science department, as well as campus media specialists and qualified historians from the area. The Region 8 History Day director is Dr. Jeff Schramm, associate professor of history at Missouri S&T.

For more information, contact Schramm at 573-341-4808 or schrammj@mst.edu.

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