The St. Pat’s Celebration Committee at Missouri University of Science and Technology has announced its 2013 list of Honorary Knights of St. Patrick. The honorary knights are Roger Dorf, Dr. Mark Fitch, Steve Hargis, Shenethia Manuel, Rep. Jason Smith, Dr. Don Sparlin, Timothy Wolfe and Dr. Joan Woodard.
The new knights will be honored during a public coronation at 9 p.m. Friday, March 15, in Leach Theatre of Castleman Hall on the Missouri S&T campus.
The 2013 St. Pat’s Parade begins at 11 a.m. on Saturday, March 16, on Pine Street in Rolla. Stanley Spadoni, retired Rolla chief of police, will serve as parade marshal and as Honorary St. Patrick.
Biographical information is as follows:
2013 Honorary Knight Roger Dorf
Roger Dorf is chairman of the board of Airwalk Communications and is on the board of the National Chamber Foundation of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Dorf earned a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering from Missouri S&T in 1965 and a master of science degree in engineering manufacturing from Boston University in 1970. He has served on the S&T Board of Trustees since 2006, and served as president of the board from 2010 to 2012. He is also a member and past president of the Academy of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineers. He and his wife, Sandy, are members of the Missouri S&T Order of the Golden Shillelagh.
2013 Honorary Knight Dr. Mark Fitch
Dr. Mark Fitch is an associate professor and assistant chair of environmental engineering at Missouri S&T. He is the president-elect of the Faculty Senate, faculty advisor to the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity, faculty advisor to the Water Environment Federation student society and junior faculty advisor to the S&T chapter of Engineers Without Borders. His research interests include mitigating the impact of mining and biofiltration for the control of air pollution He holds both a bachelor of science degree and a Ph.D. from the University of Texas and joined the S&T faculty in 1996.
2013 Honorary Knight Steve Hargis
Steve Hargis is the director of the department of public works for the city of Rolla. He has been employed by the city since 1976. Hargis is a graduate of Rolla High School and earned a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering from Missouri S&T in 1985. He is a past president of the Missouri chapter of the American Public Works Association and has achieved a status of Life Member of APWA. He has also served as past president of both the Missouri Highway Engineers and the Rolla chapter of Missouri Society of Professional Engineers.
2013 Honorary Knight Shenethia Manuel
Shenethia Manuel is associate vice chancellor of human resource services, affirmative action, diversity and inclusion at Missouri S&T. Manuel earned a bachelor of science degree in education from the University of Oklahoma and a juris doctorate from the University of Texas at Austin. She later received a master of arts degree in ministry and culture as an adult learner. She enjoys history and photography and researching the African Americans who walked the trail of tears to Oklahoma.
2013 Honorary Knight Rep. Jason Smith
Jason Smith represents District 120 in the Missouri House of Representatives. District 120 includes parts of Crawford and Phelps counties. Smith serves as speaker pro tem and is a member of several committees. He holds bachelor’s degrees in both agricultural economics and business administration from the University of Missouri-Columbia and a juris doctorate from Oklahoma City University. He recently was selected as the Republican nominee for Missouri’s 8th District in the U.S. House of Representatives.
2013 Honorary Knight Dr. Don Sparlin
Dr. Don Sparlin is a professor emeritus of physics at Missouri S&T. He served on the faculty committee for the Minority Engineering Program and helped found the Student Research Competition at S&T. He is especially proud of the success of his S&T graduate students, including four Ph.D. recipients. Sparlin holds a bachelor of science degree in engineering physics from the University of Kansas and a Ph.D. in physics from Northwestern University. He and his wife, Linda, are members of the Missouri S&T Order of the Golden Shillelagh.
2013 Honorary Knight Timothy Wolfe
Timothy Wolfe is the 23rd president of the four-campus University of Missouri System. Since joining in 2012, Wolfe’s top priorities have included increasing overall awareness of the role the system’s four campuses play in advancing the education, economy, health, innovation, arts, culture and the overall quality of life across the state of Missouri. He holds a bachelor of science degree from University of Missouri-Columbia and, in 1995, graduated from Harvard Business School’s Advanced Management Program.
2013 Honorary Knight Dr. Joan Woodard
Dr. Joan Woodard is a consultant who retired from Sandia National Laboratories, where she served as executive vice president. She serves on a Defense Science Board Task Force and the U.S. Secretary of State’s International Security Advisory Board, and is the chair of the Missouri S&T Board of Trustees. Woodard holds a bachelor of science degree in applied mathematics from Missouri S&T, a master of science degree in engineering economic systems from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the University of California Berkeley. She is a member of the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society.
2013 Honorary St. Pat/Parade Marshal Stanley Spadoni
Stanley Spadoni retired from the U.S. Army as a major after 24 years. He was chief of Police for Rolla for 10 years, retiring in 1989. He was appointed director of the Federal and State Surplus Property program as well as the state-wide drug coordinator under Federal 1208 Law, which was designed to obtain excess federal property to put into the hands of civilian law enforcement to assist in drug enforcement. Later, he was appointed as Missouri’s chief ranger with the responsibility for law enforcement of all state parks and historical sites. After leaving the state, he was asked to coordinate the building of the new Phelps County Jail, which was completed in 2004. In 2006, he was elected to the Rolla City Council, where he served three terms. He is currently the legislative representative for the Korean War Veterans Association.
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