“Stormy Weather: The Lena Horne Project,” starring Mary Wilson, a founding member of Motown’s The Supremes, will be presented at Missouri University of Science and Technology on Saturday, Oct. 1. Vocalist Wilson and musicians will perform in this live multi-media show, which is based on the book, Stormy Weather: The Life of Lena Horne, by James Gavin. Gavin will also be on hand to narrate and for a book signing following the show.
The performance will be held at 7:30 p.m. in Leach Theatre of Castleman Hall on the Missouri S&T campus, 10th and Main streets in Rolla. This is the first offering in Missouri S&T’s Campus Performing Arts Series.
Tickets are $38 for adults and $28 for youth. The first 75 tickets for Missouri S&T students are free; additional student tickets are $10. Tickets are available online or from the Leach Theatre Box Office. Box office hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Call 573-341-4219 for more information.
This salute to the singer, dancer and actress covers Horne’s MGM film career, her night club career and her civil rights activism. The show includes a combination of storytelling, live performances and rare audio and visual images from Gavin’s wealth of material and interviews with Horne herself.
Gavin’s book is available from the Missouri S&T Bookstore, located in the Havener Center on campus.
The performance is sponsored by Bob and Susan Hooper. Additional funding for the Missouri S&T Campus Performing Arts Series is provided by the Missouri S&T Endowment for the Performing Arts.
In the event that tickets remain for these performances, Leach Theatre will offer discounted tickets through its “Back Row Club.” Seats in the last row of the theater are sold one hour before each event for $10 each.
For more information about the 2011-2012 Missouri S&T Campus Performing Arts Series, call the Leach Theatre Box Office at 573-341-4219 or visit leachtheatre.mst.edu.