MBA students promote sustainability among high schoolers

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On November 22, 2010

MBA students at Missouri University of Science and Technology will help promote environmental awareness among Rolla High School students in an upcoming “Sustainability Day” at RHS.

The Missouri S&T students, all members of the campus’s MBA Association, will hold Sustainability Day from 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 29, at the high school. The event, styled after the television show “The Amazing Race,” will feature games and quizzes designed to promote awareness of environmental and sustainability concepts.

All RHS science classes will dismiss throughout the day to participate in the event. Several local businesses and organizations have donated cash and prizes to support the event and to award winning teams.

The S&T students are conducting the event as part of a course called “Teambuilding and Leadership,” which is part of the MBA curriculum. They are also working with members of a high school organization, the RHS Eco Club.

Fourteen Missouri S&T students are participating in the outreach. They are Bayasa Bayarmagnai, Marc Berry, Aditya Chauhan, Jasmine Ehrhardt, Jeremy Hall, Nathan James, Jonathan Kampunzu, Paul Parham, Melissa Ruth, Jill Seemamahannop, Matt Shaner, Kunal Sood, Lydia Tucker and Amiel Weerasinghe.

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