Reardon named panelist for national educational review board

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On March 22, 2010

Daniel Reardon, assistant director of the Writing Center at Missouri University of Science and Technology, has been named a reading panelist for the Content Alignment Studies of the 2010 National Assessment of Educational Progress for grade 12 reading and mathematics.

This national review board, organized by WestEd and the National Assessment Governing Board, makes recommendations to the U.S. Department of Education regarding reading and mathematics college readiness assessment standards. The board’s discussions are disseminated to the SAT, ACT, state departments of education and other college placement organizations.

The NAEP’s study will also inform sections of President Obama’s college- and career-ready standards, which he plans to integrate into a redesigned Elementary and Secondary Education Act when it comes before Congress for renewal.

The national panel, comprised of teachers, scholars and educational administrators, will meet with WestEd and NAEP officials April 12-16 in Washington D.C., to review data, discuss and write standards for college readiness, and provide formal recommendations through the NAEP to the Department of Education.

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On March 22, 2010. Posted in People, Writing Center