Twenty-six faculty members at Missouri S&T will receive awards for their achievements, research, service or teaching for 2009 during an awards ceremony on Monday, Feb. 1, 2010.
The awards are given annually to recognize outstanding faculty. Each winner receives a $1,000 stipend funded by industry and alumni contributions.
Receiving the 2009 Achievement Awards are:
- Dr. Petra DeWitt, lecturer of history and political science
- Stephanie Fitch, instructor of business and information technology
- Dr. Scott Miller, associate teaching professor of materials science and engineering
- Clayton Price, instructor of computer science
- Dr. W. Eric Showalter, associate teaching professor of civil, architectural and environmental engineering.
Receiving the 2009 Research Awards are:
- Dr. S.N. Balakrishnan, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering
- Dr. Genda Chen, professor of civil, architectural and environmental engineering
- Dr. Fatih Dogan, professor of materials science and engineering
- Dr. Shannon Fogg, assistant professor of history and political science
- Dr. Sanjay Madria, associate professor of computer science
- Dr. Julia Medvedeva, assistant professor of physics
- Dr. Matthew O’Keefe, professor of materials science and engineering
- Dr. Mohamed Rahaman, professor of materials science and engineering
- Dr. Ganesh Kumar Venayagamoorthy, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering
- Dr. Yahong Rosa Zheng, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering.
Receiving the 2009 Service Awards are:
- Dr. Diana Ahmad, associate professor of history and political science
- Dr. Joel Burken, professor of civil, architectural and environmental engineering
- Dr. Kate Drowne, associate professor of English and technical communication
- Dr. Ronald Kohser, professor of materials science and engineering
- Dr. Paul Worsey, professor of mining and nuclear engineering.
Receiving the 2009 Teaching Awards are:
- Dr. Diana Ahmad, associate professor of history and political science
- Dr. Irina Ivliyeva, assistant professor of arts, languages and philosophy
- Dr. Ronald Kohser, professor of materials science and engineering
- Dr. Kurt Kosbar, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering
- Dr. Ralph Wilkerson, professor of computer science
- Dr. Klaus Woelk, associate professor of chemistry.