A team of Missouri S&T students, working with the campus’s physical
facilities department, is one of nine university teams from five different
countries to win Google’s
2008 International Model Your Campus Competition. The competition required
teams to create 3-D models of their campuses using Google software tools.
Joining Missouri S&T in the winners circle were two other U.S. teams
(Johns Hopkins and the University of Wisconsin-Madison) as well as teams from
China, Great Britain, Poland and Sweden. The winning teams were cited as
“stellar examples of geo-modeling” by Google.
Each team used Google SketchUp modeling software to create models of campus
buildings, then referenced them in Google Earth – a utility that uses satellite
imagery and allows web users to “fly” in to anywhere on the planet. The teams
then uploaded their creations to the Google 3D Warehouse. The winners were
selected by a panel of industry experts. Each member of the winning teams will
receive an Apple iPod Touch, a Nintendo Wii Console, and a Google T-shirt and
The Missouri S&T team consisted of seven students and their advisor,
Glenn Cotita, a space planning technician in the campus’s physical facilities
Missouri S&T team members
The Missouri S&T entry, and all other winning entries, may be viewed
online at contest.sketchup.com/intl/en/08results.php.