It started with a boyhood dream of becoming an astronaut fueled from watching the 1995 Hollywood portrayal of the ill-fated Apollo 13 lunar mission. It ended – or rather, took a detour – after a teenage growth spurt propelled Steven Berg beyond NASA’s 6-foot-4 height limit for space travelers (the Wentzville, Missouri, native now stands 6-foot-7). The federal agency’s loss is Missouri S&T’s gain, as Berg’s fascination with space led to bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in aerospace engineering from a campus where he’s now a postdoctoral fellow in the Aerospace Plasma Laboratory under the supervision of associate professor Josh Rovey, his thesis adviser.
Read More »Missouri University of Science and Technology’s Satellite Research Team earned first place in the U.S. Air Force’s University Nanosat-8 Program. The Air Force is now working to launch the team’s spacecraft on a future mission into low orbit.
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