Update 3/14/20: All classes will be taught remotely for the remainder of the spring semester. The university will remain open to ensure students who need access to dining and housing, library resources or broadband are accommodated.
All in-person courses at Missouri University of Science and Technology will move online effective Wednesday, March 18, due to concerns associated with the spread of the coronavirus, or COVID-19.
The university announced the move today (Thursday, March 12) in an email to all students and employees. The email also notified recipients that Missouri S&T is suspending all university-related domestic and international travel except for travel related to NCAA Division II sports competitions involving S&T teams and is discouraging students, faculty and staff from personal travel. In addition, Missouri S&T announced it would prohibit on-campus meetings, conference and other gatherings that involved more than 50 people.
The full message, as well as more information about Missouri S&T’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, is available at coronavirus.mst.edu.
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