’50 Years of Bogantics’ opens at Leach Theatre

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On February 1, 2016

20160129 Jim Bogan Art Show 0005The Campus Art Committee at Missouri University of Science and Technology will host a reception on Feb. 9 for Leach Theatre’s spring art show. The show features pieces by Dr. James J. Bogan Jr., Curators’ Teaching Professor emeritus of art history and film at Missouri S&T, and includes selections from Bogan’s books, poster-art, photography and artifacts from the classroom.

The reception will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 9, in the Leach Theatre Lobby in Castleman Hall, located at 10th and Main streets in Rolla. The reception is free and open to the public. Drinks and light snacks will be served during the event, which will be hosted by Luce Myers, assistant teaching professor in arts, languages, and philosophy at Missouri S&T.

Following the reception, Bogan will host “An Evening of Bogantics” in Leach Theatre. The evening will include a screening of short films, plus poetry, art, music and what Bogan calls “Bogantics.” Bogan’s film credits include “Tom Benton’s Missouri,” “Carnival, Man,” “Man vs. Tree” and “Brazilogy.”

“Jim Bogan has made his teaching an art form,” says Myers. “Jim incorporates his antics in many art expressions, including voice, pen, film, word and image. Every work is a dynamic story. It’s hard to pin Jim down to one art form, as he integrates them all.”

Picture 073 (2)The art exhibit, titled “Fifty Years of Bogantics: A Retrospective of the Visual, Cinematic, Poetic, and Pedagogical Works of Professor James Bogan,” will be on display until May 2016. The event is sponsored by the Campus Art Committee. In addition to teaching writing, literature, art history and film studies, Bogan has published poetry and essays, produced and directed films, and has created landscape art in the United States, Ireland, Belgium and Brazil.

For more information about the reception or the art show, contact Myers at 573-341-4109 or lmyers@mst.edu.

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3 thoughts on “’50 Years of Bogantics’ opens at Leach Theatre”

  • Looking forward to frantic bogantics. I still remember bringing my visiting nephew to a Blake reading with nary a thought that a ten year old might not be into poetry. It never entered my mind. It was an evening I wanted very much to see and I knew a bogantic night would be interesting.

    Some 20 years later, this nephew still remembers the “teacher” riding his bicycle into the lecture room for the beginning of an evening of Bogan talking about riding his bike around London exploring Blake sites.


  • John Finke says:

    It’s been 25 years since I had your film appreciation class but I can recall many of the things you taught us about film and life. Since that class, I’ve really enjoyed film more – old films mostly but some new films – and have a much greater appreciation for how things go together, the story the director/actors tell, and even all the background in the scenes. I also look for nuances of camera position and shadows, how the director wants us to see things.

    I recall your extending your film discusions beyond the classroom so as not to limit the discussion or omit a new viewpoint – even if it needed some molding to capture the point.

    And lastly I remember your advice on learning a foreign language – to really learn the learn the language go to a local bar! I’ve traveled quite a bit now and always look forward to quaint local bar to sit and absorb the atmosphere before engaging a group to listen to their stories. I’m not fluent in any particular language but the storytelling is shared with the same enthusiasm and craft just about everywhere.

    Thanks for sharing the light!!

  • Mike Schmidt says:

    I’ve never been so sorry that I don’t live closer; this is an evening I would enjoy. Jim Bogan shaped my outlook on the world in ways that I didn’t expect, and perhaps he didn’t expect. I am a better engineer because of my many conversations with him as a college student at UMR in the 1970’s. On reflection, I can see that hanging out in his office to talk about everything but engineering was an imposition on his time, I never felt that way then and have always been grateful.

    Thanks Jim, and enjoy the evening (although I cannot imagine you doing anything else.)

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