399th Army Band to join S&T bands for free concert

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On February 5, 2016

2008 11 16 wind symphony edit 1 file DSC_3286The 399th Army Band from Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, will join the Missouri University of Science and Technology Symphonic Band and Wind Symphony for a free concert this month.

The concert will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 21, in Leach Theatre of Castleman Hall, located at 10th and Main streets in Rolla. David Cress, an assistant professor of arts, languages, and philosophy, and Warrant Officer One Benjamin W. McMillan, the 399th Army Band’s conductor, will take turns conducting the bands.

The brass and percussion sections from both bands will open the performance with “Fanfare,” arranged by Paul Dukas, “Star Spangled Banner,” edited for a brass choir by Richard Chapman, followed by individual performances from the Symphonic Band, Wind Symphony and 399th Army Band.

The Symphonic Band will perform “Tropes” by John Prescott. The Wind Symphony will take the stage with “Time Circles” by John Prescott. Then, the 399th Army Band will perform “Ballad for Band” by Morton Gould, and “Chorale and Toccata” by Jack Stamp.

Following the intermission, the 399th Army Band and the Symphonic Band will perform “Flourish for Wind Band” by Ralph Vaughn Williams. Then, the army band and the Wind Symphony will perform “Amazing Grace” by Frank Tichelli.

All musicians will take the stage for “Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves” arranged by Paul Lavender, and “Armed Forces Medley,” arranged by Dwayne S. Milburn.

For more information on the concert or Missouri S&T bands, contact Cress at cressdl@mst.edu, or call the Missouri S&T performing arts office at 573-341-4185.

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