Long named ASEM Fellow

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On November 20, 2015
Professor Suzanna Long is one of two candidates to be named an American Society of Engineering Management Fellow this year.

Professor Suzanna Long is one of two candidates to be named an American Society of Engineering Management Fellow this year. Each year, a maximum of five can be named Fellow.

Dr. Suzanna Long, interim chair and associate professor of engineering management and systems engineering at Missouri University of Science and Technology, has been named an American Society of Engineering Management Fellow, the society’s highest honor.

Candidates must have a minimum of eight years of continuous membership in ASEM with significant achievement in the field of engineering management in addition to distinguished service and contributions to the society.

To be named a Fellow, candidates are vetted through a highly selective process by current ASEM fellows with a maximum of five elected in any given year. In 2015, only two candidates were named a Fellow.

Long is a former member of the ASEM board of directors and has served as chair of the technical program committee for the society’s international annual conference since 2013. Long received Franklin Woodbury and Meritorious Service Awards in 2015 and 2014, respectively. She is the president of the Society of Engineering Management Systems in the Institute of Industrial Engineers.

Her research interests include critical infrastructure systems; strategic management; supply chain and transportation; systems management; organizational behavior; and sociotechnical systems analysis. Long has received national and international recognition for her research in sociotechnical systems and organizational effectiveness, including multiple best paper awards, the University of Missouri Faculty Excellence Award, and the AASHTO High Value Research Award.

Long earned a bachelor of science degree in physics and bachelor of arts degree in history in 1984, a master of science degree in in engineering management in 2004 and a Ph.D. in engineering management and systems engineering in 2007, from Missouri S&T. She also earned a master of arts degree in history from the University of Missouri-St. Louis in 1988.

Long joined the S&T faculty in August 2008. Before that, she served as the director of continuing education at Pittsburg State University, the coordinator of the transportation-logistics program at Missouri Southern State University, and was a scientific and electronic records specialist with the federal government.

ASEM speaks for the profession of engineering management around the world. Members include academics from engineering management departments and closely affiliated departments, as well as engineering management professionals from a wide variety of industries.


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