27 S&T faculty receive tenure, promotions

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On October 14, 2014

Twenty-seven faculty members at Missouri University of Science and Technology received promotions or tenure effective Sept. 1. Those faculty members are:

Dr. Diana Ahmad, promoted to professor of history and political science

Dr. Douglas A. Bristow, granted tenure and promoted to associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering

Dr. Eric Bryan, granted tenure and promoted to associate professor of English and technical communication

Dr. Carlos Castano, granted tenure and promoted to associate professor of mining and nuclear engineering

Dr. Sriram Chellappan, granted tenure and promoted to associate professor of computer science

Dr. Steven Corns, granted tenure and promoted to associate professor of engineering management and systems engineering

Dr. Richard Dawes, granted tenure and promoted to associate professor of chemistry

Dr. Xiaoping Du, promoted to professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering

Dr. Cassandra Elrod, granted tenure and promoted to associate professor of business and information technology

Dr. Ian Ferguson, vice provost and dean of the College of Engineering and Computing and professor of electrical and computer engineering, granted tenure

Dr. Grzegorz Galecki, associate professor of mining and nuclear engineering, granted tenure

Dr. Ivan Guardiola, granted tenure and promoted to associate professor of engineering management and systems engineering

Dr. Wei Jiang, granted tenure and promoted to associate professor of computer science

Dr. Chang-Soo Kim, promoted to professor of electrical and computer engineering

Dr. Jonathan Kimball, granted tenure and promoted to associate professor of electrical and computer engineering

Dr. Suzanna Long, granted tenure and promoted to associate professor of engineering management and systems engineering

Dr. Robert J. Marley, provost and executive vice chancellor and professor of engineering management and systems engineering, granted tenure

Dr. Audra Merfeld-Langston, granted tenure and promoted to associate professor of arts, languages, and philosophy

Dr. Runar Nygaard, granted tenure and promoted to associate professor of petroleum engineering

Dr. Robert Paige, promoted to professor of mathematics and statistics

Dr. Jorge Porcel, granted tenure and promoted to associate professor of arts, languages and philosophy

Dr. Stephen P. Roberts, vice provost and dean of the College of Arts, Sciences, and Business, and professor of biological science, granted tenure

Dr. Joshua Rovey, granted tenure and promoted to associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering

Dr. John Singler, granted tenure and promoted to associate professor of mathematics and statistics

Dr. Lesley Sneed, granted tenure and promoted to associate professor of structural engineering

Dr. Alexey Yamilov, granted tenure and promoted to associate professor of physics

Dr. Maciej Zawodniok, granted tenure and promoted to associate professor of electrical and computer engineering.

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