The new course-sharing program combines online, video conferencing and traditional approaches to teaching
The new course-sharing program combines online, video conferencing and traditional approaches to teaching
From technical communication to nanotechnology, Missouri University of Science and Technology professors are sharing their expertise with students at other University of Missouri System campuses through a new course-sharing program designed to expand access.
The program began this semester with some shared courses. Other courses will be added next spring.
In all, Missouri S&T will offer 13 courses through the course-sharing program, which combines online, video conferencing and traditional approaches to teaching. In addition, Missouri S&T students will enroll in 10 courses originating from the UM System campuses in Columbia, Kansas City and St. Louis through the program.
“Several members of our faculty from a variety of disciplines submitted successful proposals to redesign courses or develop new courses through this program,” says Dr. Robert Marley, Missouri S&T provost. “They worked with faculty from the other campuses on innovative approaches to course delivery that will lead to greater access and opportunity for students on all four University of Missouri System campuses.”
The approach supports several elements of Missouri S&T’s strategic plan, which calls on the campus to explore new ways to use technology to expand access and to promote collaboration with other UM System campuses.
In many cases, faculty from one or more of the campuses come together to develop the coursework. For example, three faculty members in Missouri S&T’s technical communication program are working with two University of Missouri-St. Louis faculty members to exchange courses in technical communication and technical writing. Four of the courses are being developed at Missouri S&T and will be delivered to UMSL students, while three UMSL-developed courses will be delivered to Missouri S&T students. Eight-week and 16-week versions of the courses will be offered entirely online, says Dr. Ed Malone, associate professor of English and technical communication at Missouri S&T.
“We view this initiative as an opportunity to use resources more efficiently and to enrich our degree programs with more course offerings and additional faculty expertise,” says Malone, who also serves as co-director of Missouri S&T’s technical communication degree program.
At Missouri S&T, courses in civil engineering, electrical and computer engineering, history, mathematics, philosophy, physics and technical communication are being offered through the course-sharing program. Courses under way this semester or planned for the spring or future semesters are as follows:
In addition, environmental and civil engineering students at Missouri S&T will enroll in Watershed Management and Water Quality, a course offered by Dr. Jason Hubbart of MU in collaboration with Dr. Joel Burken, professor of civil and environmental engineering at Missouri S&T.
More information about the course-sharing project is available here.
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