Students can still register for the three-day Robotics Camp at Missouri University of Science and Technology. The camp will be held June 9-11. Students should be age 12 to 15 on or before June 9.
At the camp, students will learn the basic principles of robotics, including electronics, sensors, motor and servo control, programming and control. Attendees will also work in groups using the LEGO Mindstorms Robotics Invention System to invent, design, build and program robots.
The camp is $345 for commuters and $395 for residential hall campers. Camp fees cover meals, activities and supplies, along with housing for those who register to stay at Missouri S&T during the camp. Participants are responsible for transportation to and from the campus.
Register online at by selecting “Robotics Camp.” For more information, contact Missouri S&T’s office of distance and continuing education at 573-341-6222 or
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