Free spring film festival to include French selections

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On March 6, 2014

Five selections from The Tournées Festival, a grant program that helps to bring the best of contemporary French film to American universities, will be a part of the Free Spring 2014 Film Festival at Missouri University of Science and Technology this season. The grant was awarded to Dr. Audra Merfeld-Langston and Max Tohline, both from the arts, languages, and philosophy department at S&T. There are six films remaining in the festival.

“We are pleased to have the opportunity to once again host a French film festival on campus,” says Merfeld-Langston, assistant professor of French. “As a language teacher, I frequently encounter students in my classes who have never seen a foreign film before and who sometimes have biases against them. Once they have seen one or two, their attitudes often change and they realize that foreign films they are just as interesting and entertaining as American films. We encourage everyone in the Rolla community to attend this free series.”

“The Film Festival, the French program and the entire department of arts, languages, and philosophy are committed to providing students and community members in Rolla opportunities to break out of their comfort zones and experience art and culture from around the world,” says Tohline, lecturer in art and film. “So, applying for the Tournées Festival grant is a perfect fit for the series and we were thrilled to receive it again.”

The films, which are free and open to the public, will be shown at 7p.m. on Tuesdays in Leach Theatre of Castleman Hall, 10th and Main streets in Rolla, with the exception of “Rust and Bone” on April 8, which will be screened in 104 Physics, located at 1315 N. Pine St. in Rolla.

The remaining films in the Missouri S&T Free Spring 2014 Film Festival include the following motion pictures:

“The Hedgehog”- April 1 (The Tournées Festival selection)

“Rust and Bone”- April 8 (The Tournées Festival selection)

“Amour”- April 15 (The Tournées Festival selection)

“Holy Motors”- April 22 (The Tournées Festival selection)

“Monsieur Lazhar”- April 29 (The Tournées Festival selection)

“Before Midnight”- May 6

The Tournées Festival is made possible through the generous support of the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the U.S., Centre National de la Cinématographie et de l’Image Animée, the Florence Gould Foundation, Campus France USA and highbrow entertainment.

The Missouri S&T Free Spring 2014 Film Festival is sponsored by the Campus Performing Arts Series, the office of the chancellor, Curtis Laws Wilson Library, Student Union Board, the civil, architectural and environmental engineering department, and the arts, languages, and philosophy department.

For more information about the Missouri S&T Free Spring 2014 Film Festival, call the S&T arts, languages, and philosophy department at 573-341-4185.

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On March 6, 2014. Posted in Department of Arts, Languages and Philosophy, Events

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