ElGawady elected to The Masonry Society

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On October 9, 2013

ElGawadyDr. Mohamed ElGawady, associate professor of civil, architectural and environmental engineering at Missouri University of Science and Technology, was recently elected to serve as a member of the The Masonry Society (TMS) board of directors.

ElGawady earned his Ph.D. in structural engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne (EPFL) in 2004. Previously, he earned a bachelor of science with honors in civil engineering, as well as a master of science in structural engineering, from Cairo University in Egypt. He has held positions at University of South Australia, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Washington State University and University of Auckland. He also worked in industry as a structural engineer for three years.

ElGawady, a structural engineer, studies the seismic behavior of masonry and concrete structures. His current research interests include seismic behavior of unreinforced masonry (URM) structures, the application of Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) in strengthening and repair of masonry/reinforced concrete structures, seismic behavior of reinforced concrete bridges, damage-free bridge columns, segmental construction, rocking mechanics and the use of sustainable materials in seismic prone regions.

TMS was founded in 1977, as an international group of professionals dedicated to the advancement and craft of masonry. The society has more than 650 members including: engineers, architects, builders, researchers, educators, building officials, material suppliers, manufacturers, as well as others who want to contribute to and benefit from the global pool of knowledge on masonry.

The Masonry Society gathers and disseminates technical information through its committees, publications, codes and standards, slide sets, videotapes, computer software, newsletter, refereed journal, educational programs, professors’ workshop, scholarships, certification programs, disaster investigation team and conferences.

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