Created by a quartet of renowned choreographers commissioned by Dance St. Louis, PNC Arts Alive “New Dance Horizons” will be the next offering in the 2012-2013 season of the Campus Performing Arts Series at Missouri University of Science and Technology. The performance will be at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13, in Leach Theatre of Castleman Hall on the Missouri S&T campus, 10th and Main streets in Rolla.
“New Dance Horizons” brings together choreographers Victoria Marks, Jessica Lang, Pamela Tanowitz and Gina Patterson with St. Louis-based dance companies Saint Louis Ballet, Leverage Dance Theater, MADCO and Common Thread Contemporary Dance Co. to create world premiere productions.
“We wanted to kick off the season with a bang,” says Michael Uthoff, Dance St Louis‘ artistic and executive director. “What better way to do it than a quartet of collaborations?”
Tickets are $30 for adults and $25 for youth. The first 75 tickets for Missouri S&T students with student ID are free; additional S&T student tickets are $10. Tickets are available online or from the Leach Theatre Box Office. Box office hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Call 573-341-4219 for more information.
Leach Theatre will offer discounted tickets through its “Back Row Club” one hour prior to the event, should tickets remain for the show. The seats in the last row of the theater will be sold for $10 each prior to the performance.
The performance is sponsored by public radio station KMST. Additional funding for the Missouri S&T Campus Performing Arts Series is provided by the Missouri S&T Endowment for the Performing Arts.
Leach Theatre is a division of Missouri S&T’s student affairs department. For more information about the series, call the Leach Theatre Box Office at 573-341-4219.
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