Thirty new faculty members began teaching and research at Missouri University of Science and Technology since January 2012. The new faculty are:
- Lana Alagha, assistant professor, mining and nuclear engineering
- Mohsen Asle Zaeem, assistant professor, materials science and engineering
- Michael Beaty, lecturer, civil, architectural and environmental engineering
- Kirk Christensen, assistant teaching professor, mechanical and aerospace engineering
- Kathryn Dolan, assistant professor, English and technical communication
- Kristen Donnell Hilgedick, assistant professor, electrical and computer engineering
- Mohamed ElGawady, associate professor, civil, architectural and environmental engineering
- David Enke, professor and chair, engineering management and systems engineering
- Jie Gao, assistant professor, mechanical and aerospace engineering
- Steve Hall, lecturer, mining and nuclear engineering
- Hetal Hariyani, lecturer, English and technical communication
- Edward Harvey III, lecturer, business and information technology
- Marouane Kessentini, assistant professor, computer science
- Edward Kinzel, assistant professor, mechanical and aerospace engineering
- Brandi Klein, assistant professor, psychological science
- Dincer Konur, assistant professor, engineering management and systems engineering
- Xinhua Liang, assistant professor, chemical and biochemical engineering
- Michael Moats, associate professor, materials science and engineering
- Angel Morales, assistant teaching professor, computer science
- Fui Nah, professor, business and information technology
- Joontaek Park, assistant professor, chemical and biochemical engineering
- Jennifer Pattershall-Geide, assistant professor, psychological science
- Michelle Phillips, assistant teaching professor, economics and finance
- Keng Siau, professor and chair, business and information technology
- Brian Smith, assistant professor, engineering management and systems engineering
- Frankay Stevens, lecturer, arts, languages and philosophy
- Andrew Tohline, lecturer, arts, languages and philosophy
- Mikheil Tsiklauri, assistant research professor, electrical and computer engineering
- Mingzhen Wei, assistant professor, geological sciences and engineering
- Nathan Weidner, assistant professor, psychological science.
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