Amateur artists and designers are invited to submit original designs for this year’s Celebration of Nations T-shirt. The winning submission will receive a $200 gift card to the Missouri S&T Bookstore. Designs must reflect the event’s theme, “One Campus. One Community. One World.”
Submitted designs must be at least 300 dpi or in a scanable format, no larger than 8.5×11-inches. Bring your original, scanable artwork to Room 106 Southwestern Bell Cultural Center, 1207 N. Elm. St., by 4 p.m. Friday, Feb. 10, or email to by midnight Sunday, Feb. 12. The winning entry will be announced on Thursday, Feb. 16.
This year’s Celebration of Nations will be held on Saturday, Sept. 29. The event was conceived to bring area residents and university students together to celebrate this area’s cultural diversity. This will be the third year for the annual event.