EPA administrator talks shop

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On November 14, 2011

Karl Brooks, Region 7 administrator for the United States Environmental Protection Agency, will be on campus at Missouri University of Science and Technology to discuss research and education in protecting human health and the environment. The lecture will be held at 3 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 17, in the Missouri-Ozark Room of the Havener Center. The event is free and open to the public.

Appointed by President Barack Obama in February 2010, Brooks supervises agency operations in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska, and in nine tribal nations. The priorities for this Midwest region are protecting and improving water quality across America’s greatest watershed, the Missouri-Mississippi Basin; remedying a legacy of polluted soil by cleaning up neighborhoods in places as diverse as downtown Omaha and rural Missouri’s Lead Belt; and enforcing a new generation of air quality laws that encourage industrial and transport innovation by protecting public health.

The lecture will be hosted by Missouri S&T’s department of civil, architectural and environmental engineering, Environmental Research Center, and office of sustainable energy and environmental engagement.

For more information, contact Christina Adams at 573-341-6908 or christina.adams@mst.edu, or Julie Wilson, Missouri S&T’s green campus coordinator, at 573-341-4262 or wilsonjulie@mst.edu.

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On November 14, 2011. Posted in Events