Schwartz, Whitefield, Woelk appointed to interim positions

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On August 4, 2011

With the recent appointment of Provost Warren K. (Kent) Wray as interim chancellor of Missouri S&T effective Sept. 1, 2011, three other university officials also have been appointed to interim positions.

Dr. Robert W. Schwartz, vice provost for academic affairs since June 2007, will become interim provost effective Sept. 1. Schwartz joined S&T in 2002 as a member of the materials science and engineering faculty. He also served as president of the Faculty Senate from September 2005 to September 2006. A member of the American Ceramic Society (ACerS), Schwartz was named an ACerS fellow in 2006.

While Schwartz assumes the provost’s role, Dr. Phil Whitefield will become interim vice provost for academic affairs on Sept. 1. Whitefield has served as chair of chemistry since 2005. He joined the chemistry faculty in 1990. Whitefield is also director of Missouri S&T’s Center of Excellence for Aerospace Particulate Research.

During Whitefield’s service as interim vice provost, Dr. Klaus Woelk will serve as interim chair of chemistry. Currently an associate professor and assistant chair of chemistry, Woelk recently won the University of Missouri System’s Innovative Teaching Award for redesigning introductory level chemistry courses. Woelk’s appointment is also effective Sept. 1.

On Monday, Aug. 1, 2011, UM System interim President Stephen J. Owens announcement the appointment of Wray to serve as interim chancellor upon the retirement of Chancellor John F. Carney III. Carney will retire effective Aug. 31.

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On August 4, 2011. Posted in News, People