Happy Feet will be shown at Leach Theatre Feb. 12

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On February 3, 2011

Rolla residents are invited to view Happy Feet, the 2007 Academy Award winner for Best Animated Feature, at 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 12, in Missouri University of Science and Technology’s Leach Theatre. The theatre is located in Castleman Hall, 10th and Main streets in Rolla. The film is part of the Leach Theatre Family Film Series.

Admission is $2 per person. Tickets will be available at the Leach Theatre Box Office beginning at 10 a.m. that day.

Happy Feet takes place deep in Antarctica, in a world where emperor penguins find their soul mates through song. Mumble cannot sing, but he has a talent that none of the penguins have ever seen before: tap dancing. The film is rated PG.

Domino’s Pizza, sandwiches from Panera, drinks and snacks will be available following the film for a nominal charge. For more information, call 573-341-4219.

The final film in the series this spring will be Disney’s Brother Bear on March 5.

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On February 3, 2011. Posted in Events