Join Missouri S&T in “Celebrating the Humanities” at 2 p.m. Wednesday, March 18, in St. Pat’s B of the Havener Center. This is the second year that the campus will spotlight the research excellence of faculty members in the departments of arts, languages, and philosophy; English and technical communication; and history and political science.
Four faculty members will discuss their current research projects:
— Michael Bruening, assistant professor of history and political science, will present “Letters from Lausanne: The Reformation Correspondence of Pierre Viret.”
— Eric Bryan, assistant professor of English and technical communication, will present “Medieval Mythopoesis: The Struggle for Belief in Old Norse Mythology and Folklore.”
— Kate Drowne associate professor of English and technical communication, will present “The Flapper in American Literature and Popular Culture.”
— Audra Merfeld-Langston, assistant professor of arts, languages and philosophy, will present “France’s Book Towns: Rural Responses to Globalization.”
There will also be displays of recent publications by faculty members from the three departments. The event is open to the public.